Are you hot flashing? Having headaches, memory loss, fatigue? And, the dreaded weight gain around the middle? You are not alone! 


Menopause can be a difficult time for many women. Symptoms additional to the above can include low libido and anxiety. It’s not the easiest time of life, but there are ways to approach the hormonal shifts. At Linden & Arc Vitality Institute, we are here to help.


What’s up with the hormones?


Hormonal changes begin as ovulation ceases – your progesterone decreases. The balanced ratio of estrogen to progesterone begins to tip toward estrogen. Estrogen is the hormone that makes you feel sexy, happy, and full of life. 


Sounds good right? So, what’s the problem? 


Changes in estrogen can also affect our thyroid hormones and cortisol levels. Excess estrogen may cause bloating, fatigue, headaches, poor sleep (see Smith, 2010, p. 7 or Somers, 2006, p. 38 for a full list). The balance of estrogen and progesterone is lost during hormonal shifts. The decline in progesterone, which is the hormone that makes you feel calm and relaxed, can cause you to feel more anxious, irritable, and depressed. Imbalances in hormones can impact your brain health, memory, and immune system. That’s why those pesky symptoms start to show themselves. 


With a functional medicine approach, where there is a partnership between physician and patient, the menopausal years and beyond can be the best time of your life. The best time of life? Yes, really! Your vital energy can be cultivated by working to balance your hormones. 




How is it possible to live the best life during menopause?


Taking a functional medicine and holistic approach, women do not have to suffer the symptoms associated with this stage of life. Anxiety, stress, sleepless nights, and weight gain don’t have to be the fate of the middle years – and your physical middle! Here are some tips towards finding balance by adjusting your lifestyle factors with mind, body, spirit and soul at the center of your healing journey:



  • eat a whole foods diet with as much organic fruit and vegetables as possible
  • make sure to eat enough lean protein and keep sugars to a minimum
  • add 10 to 15 minutes of body-focused stretching or exercise to your daily routine
  • add 3-minute breathing practice when you wake up and before bed



  • read a book about your menopausal health; the top two books we recommend and have in stock at Linden & Arc Vitality Institute, are: Ageless by Suzanne Somers and What You Must Know About Women’s Hormones: Your Guide to Natural Hormone Treatments for PMS, Menopause, Osteoporosis, PCOS, and More by Pamela Wartian Smith, MD, MPH.
  • talk to your physician about hormone replacement therapy and options to consider; read about bioidentical hormones in Somers’ book.


Spirit & Soul: 

  • practice each day that connects you to that which matters most
  • tune in a few minutes each day with practices such as: walking in nature, touching the leaves of a plant, prayer, meditation


With mindful planning and sustainable routines for body, mind, and spirit, post-menopausal women can come into the fullness of their power, creativity, and joy. 


Some bonuses of this time of our lives: Women in their fifties and beyond often talk about no longer worrying about pleasing others, finding their voices, and having the confidence to change intolerable situations. With a balanced body, a sharp mind, and full vitality, life after menopause has no limits. Getting through the trials of menopause can be an adventure and a deep dive into your self – body, mind, and soul. 



Somers, S. (2006). Ageless: The naked truth about bioidentical hormones. Three Rivers Press.


Wartian Smith, P. (2010). What you must know about women’s hormones: Your guide to natural hormone treatments for PMS, menopause, Osteoporosis, PCOS and more. Square One Publishers.



Lisa Itzcovitch, MA

What are Bioidentical Hormones and how can they help menopause symptoms? Millions of Canadian women experience troublesome and debilitating menopause symptoms. The inevitable hot flashes, fatigue, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and mood changes that come with the diagnosis. The World Health Organization has released estimates stating that by 2030, 1.2 billion women worldwide will be postmenopausal, as 25 million women go through menopause every year. For several years, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was a great help to many suffering from menopause symptoms. HRT can increase the risk of serious health events, like breast cancer, and strokes. Fortunately, today bioidentical hormones are available. Let’s delve into some frequently asked questions about bioidentical hormone therapy, or BHT.


Bioidentical Hormones and Menopause
Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Can Help Menopause Symptoms


Frequently Asked Questions about Bioidentical Hormones for Menopause


What are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are sex hormones that come in the form of estrogens and progesterone. Your body produces hormones structured exactly the same on a molecular level. Bioidentical hormones come from soy and yam plants where Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) uses traditional hormones, usually isolated from animals, which is much riskier health-wise.


Are Bioidentical Hormones Effective?

Bioidentical hormones are highly effective and have helped millions of women. A 2016 study provided evidence that Bioidentical Hormone Therapy reduces hot flashes, and two separate studies in 2014 and 2011 showed that BHT helped with mood swings, night sweats, and irritability. An Australian study showed that 15 percent of Australian women in their fifties and sixties had taken or took bioidentical hormones.


How Do I Take Bioidentical Hormones?

You can take Bioidentical Hormone Therapy in a few different ways. It is available in pill form that you swallow or dissolve under your tongue or administered as a cream, patch, spray, or vaginal ring. Name-brand bioidentical prescriptions are available at pharmacies (Prometrium, Vagifem, Vivelle Dot, etc.). You may require the services of a compounding pharmacy for some of your bioidentical hormones.


Are Bioidentical Hormones An Absolute Necessity?

Bioidentical hormones are not absolutely necessary and only yourself and a knowledgeable doctor experienced in the use of BHT can decide if they’re right for you. Your decision should be based on an educated assessment of the risks versus the benefits. Under the guidance of our physicians, you may choose to use herbs and supplements, traditional HRT, or nothing at all to help with menopausal symptoms and transition.


Can You Stop Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

Adverse events from BHT are rare. One study in 2013 found zero adverse events in a group of 75 women undergoing BHT. If you do have an adverse event, or simply decide to go completely natural with your menopause plan, you’ll be happy to know that it is possible to stop BHT at any time. It is always advisable to do this under our physicians’ guidance who will monitor with exams and blood tests and gradually wean you off BHT.


Functional Medicine & Menopause


At Linden & Arc Vitality Institute, our Functional Medicine physicians will guide you to find the right fit. Remember, most therapies are more effective with lifestyle changes. These include factors like increased activity level, a good diet, and nutritional support in the form of supplements. Our clinic provides counseling and support to help you maintain and strengthen your health, transition through menopause with minimal symptoms, and thoroughly enjoy these happy years of your life.




About the author:

Dr. Murfin is wholeheartedly focused on her life’s mission to help people heal and achieve extraordinary outcomes. She believes that health is more than merely the absence of disease. It is a total state of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social wellbeing through the creation of a whole and meaningful life. Dr. Murfin leaves no stone unturned to determine the root cause of illness or imbalance.