Cold Submersion Therapy or Cold Water Immersion (CWI) is an ancient hydrotherapy treatment. It relieves many ailments and chronic symptoms. People suffering from immune system or mood disorders, have trouble sleeping or have increased stress levels can benefit from this type of therapy. This form of hydrotherapy is similar to aquatic therapy, pool therapy, or balneotherapy. The use of water in various forms and at various temperatures produces amazing effects on the human body.


In Activating the Vagus Nerve: Part 1 – Breathe!, we explored the positive effects that breathwork has on our Vagus Nerve. How we breath affects our autonomic nervous system – which has two branches, sympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest). You can think of the sympathetic as the gas pedal on your system and the parasympathetic as the brakes. Let’s now dive deeper into how we can manipulate the nervous system and make it stronger by introducing cold water immersion (CWI) therapy while we are breathing.


“Cold water? What the … ?!” You might exclaim, especially if you are  living in a cold climate like Calgary, Alberta.


Taking actionable steps like CWI therapy can help reduce stress levels. CWI is an ancient therapy used to relieve many ailments. People suffering from immune system or mood disorders, having trouble sleeping, or increasing stress levels can benefit from this type of therapy. Here we outline some reasons why CWI is so good for you. It enhances your immune function, boosts your metabolism, elevates your mood, and builds endurance. 

Reasons to try CWI

Enhance Your Immune Function

Cold Submersion Therapy stimulates immune function. It does this by stimulating the white blood cells. They then provoke the white blood cells to attack and destroy toxic substances in the lymph fluid. The cold water positively affects the lymphatic system, affecting the immune system by flushing waste and toxins.


Boost Your Metabolism

Cold Submersion Therapy helps to boost your metabolism, which can assist with weight loss efforts. This is not to be substituted for a healthy diet and regular exercise. This practice makes your body work harder to keep you warm, which inadvertently burns calories. It also affects the type of fat the body produces. According to a study done in 2009, brown fat (BAT), or good fat, mobilizes when your body becomes exposed to frigid temperatures. It works to keep us warm, thus eliminating white fat, which is the fat that sits around your thighs and waist.


Improve Sleep, Reduce Stress, & Elevate Mood

When we sleep, our bodies heal, so it is vital to get adequate restful sleep. CWI reduces muscle soreness and pain, which allows you to sleep more soundly. Quality sleep will, therefore, reduce stress levels and elevate your overall mood.


Build Endurance & Resilience

The thought of submerging your body in cold water makes most people cringe, but it is suitable for your body and your mind! It is a good practice in mental strength, endurance, and resilience which requires you to break out of your comfort zone. I learned that cold never stops being hard. It never gets easier, but your mind has become more resilient and robust. Immersing your entire body in ice water trains your brain to control your responses to stress, pain, and anxiety, instead of allowing your emotions to overwhelm you. Try reframing your thoughts with mindful breath and action by breathing through sensations and feelings that arise. CWI will allow your body and mind to work through a state of stress and enter a state of calm. Don’t forget to breathe, as this is so crucial. When our breathing is full and deep, the diaphragm moves through its entire range downward to massage the internal organs and tissues below it and then moves upward to massage the heart. Training the body to control the breath and negative mind chatter can be a total game-changer for anxiety and depression.


If cold water immersion still isn’t seeming like your thing, try ending your showers with cooler water temperatures. You can start slowly and build up to longer stints of colder temperatures. Breath through the discomfort and find a motto to help build your resilience, such as “I am more than my thoughts,” or “I choose to step into mindful, peaceful action”, and “I am stepping away from fear.”


The cold never stops being cold but taking actionable steps that you can implement into your daily/weekly routine will guide you towards taking back control over your health by increasing resilience in your mind and body. How powerful is that! Challenge yourself today by trying the Wim Hoff method of Cold Submersion Therapy along with deep diaphragmatic breathing for your overall health. Take the plunge!



Darla Montgomery


There is an uncompromising connection between COVID-19 and the immune system. Having a supercharged immune system is proving to be our best defense against the virus. Let’s get into the heart of what COVID-19 is, how it spreads, and what supplements you can consume to heighten your immune system function. Before knowing how to fight or treat the virus, we need to better understand what is COVID-19.


What is COVID-19? 


The Government of Canada states that the Human coronaviruses or COVID-19 causes infections in the nose, throat, and lungs. It is spread by touching your mouth, nose or eyes after touching respiratory droplets spread by an infected person. Let’s explore what to do to prevent COVID-19 from infecting our bodies.


What can we do to prevent COVID-19 from striking our Immune Sytem?

Just like with Influenza, the very best prevention from COVID-19 is washing your hands and not touching your mouth, nose, or eyes. This invaluable advice is only half the battle. let’s explore the best defense to stop COVID-19 in its tracks.


Your best defense to preventing COVID-19 is keeping your body healthy. Let’s supercharge your immune system with the proper vitamins and minerals and make it a new lifestyle!


Supercharging Your Immune System is Your Best Defense

Supercharging your immune system should be the focus of our everyday living. Let’s put it into perspective. If didn’t have an immune system, we would be fully open to the invasion of foreign bodies like viruses, bacteria & parasites, fungus & toxins. These invaders would overtake our bodies and we would be in a constant state of sickness. Pretty scary, huh?


A functioning, healthy immune system is always on the lookout for foreign invaders. These invaders are called antigens. Our cells, tissues, proteins, and organs all take part in the process. Our body responds, attacks, and rids them from our bodies. This is called immuno-response or immune system response.


Immune System Response

Our immune system responds by producing antibodies to fight the antigens. A copy of the antibody remains in your body for when the same antigen appears, which is why you get some diseases like measles, only once!


If our immune system is not functioning, your body will be open and susceptible to the myriad of diseases that come your way. A supercharged immune system can help fend off diseases, like COVID-19, or coronavirus.


Supercharging Your Immune System Response

How can we supercharge our immune system response? A healthy lifestyle is your immune system’s best friend. Here are 9 things you can do to raise your immune function and keep viruses like COVID-19 at bay.

  1. Stop Smoking and reduce your consumption of alcohol
  2. Reduce artificial sugar intake
  3. Increase the consumption of fruits & vegetables.
  4. Use essential oils with antiviral properties like oregano oil
  5. Exercise daily
  6. Sleep a minimum of 8 hours every night
  7. Minimize stress and anxiety
  8. Practice stress-reducing activities like meditation and yoga
  9. Take the proper supplements


The Proper Supplements

At Linden & Arc Vitality Institute, our knowledgeable doctors can provide you with information about the proper supplements and doses your body needs for a thriving immune system. Amongst the many, 3 supplements stand out to supercharge your immune system: Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Magnesium.


Vitamin C and Immune System Function

Any infection at the cellular level experiences a higher level of oxidative stress and can have a destructive effect on the body. New studies on COVID-19 suggest that high-dose vitamin C is an effective treatment. Immune function is only one step to optimum health. Taking more vitamin C may not boost the immune system. We must look at the whole body’s health including gut health, hormone balance, detoxification, and treating underlying issues.


If you do not have enough Vitamin C in your diet, consider adding this to your health regimen. If you have a suppressed immune system, you might want to consider mega Vitamin C doses, monitored by a health practitioner. This along with other immune system boosting practices will hopefully keep COVID-19 away from you and your family.


Vitamin D-Light-ful: The Sun Source

This D – LIGHT – ful supplement is an incredible immune system booster. Most know that Vitamin D helps to prevent colds through the winter months. The lack of natural Vitamin D from the sun makes the winter months tougher. Colds and flu are prevalent in every household. It plays a huge role in activating immune cells or T-cells & macrophages that attack viruses and gives anti-inflammatory properties.


Vitamin D deficiencies can increase the risk of respiratory infections and the development of acute respiratory failure. COVID-19 is respiratory in nature, which puts humans at greater risk. Consider adding Vitamin D to your health regimen with the consultation of a physician.


Glutathione: The Mother of All Antioxidants

Glutathione is the “mother of all antioxidants.” Our bodies normally carry a bountiful amount and it exists in many of the foods we eat.


Find amazing sources of sulfur-rich foods in vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, asparagus & spinach, and allium vegetables like onions, garlic, shallots, chives & leeks. Don’t mistake the power of glutathione for healthy immune function.


As a boost to the effectiveness of the healthy foods you are eating, glutathione is found in supplement form as well. What are the right vitamin & mineral supplement doses for you?


Vitamin Supplements & Doses

It is virtually impossible to consume enough vitamin-rich food to keep our body’s immunity heightened. Supplements will be beneficial to fight off COVID-19.


Never underestimate nutrition and the bountiful knowledge of your physician. With your health history on hand and the knowledge of risk factors under their belt, their advice will be very beneficial to you.


If you believe you have COVID-19, get tested immediately, and quarantine for the recommended 14 days.


Please refer to The Key to Healing, where we explore the art of breathing, which helps respiratory function.


Immune Function is one of Linden & Arc Vitality Institute’s 7 Nodes of Healing (see picture below), our holistic approach to optimum health. Achieving the health of the mind, body, spirit & soul is the only way to practice medicine.


Take your health into your hands and contact us at [email protected].